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Jill Jones’ Artistic Inspiration

Jill Jones’ artistic inspiration is a vivid testament to the profound influence of nature on her paintings. Her works often capture the intricate details and ethereal beauty found in the natural world. This reflects her deep appreciation and respect for the environment. ‘Do not go gentle’ A distinctive use of colour Jill’s use of colour…

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Commissioning a Unique Painting

Commissioning a unique painting from Jill Jones offers numerous benefits. These range from aesthetic pleasure to emotional significance and investment potential. And here are some key advantages: 1. Personal Expression and Customisation Tailored to Taste: A commissioned painting can be customised to your specific tastes and preferences. For example, the abstract below contains elements uniquely…

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Coastal Paintings of Wales

Gentlest of Kisses: coastal painting of Wales

The rugged coastline of Wales, with its dramatic cliffs, serene beaches, and ever-changing skies, has long captivated artists. Among those drawn to this enchanting landscape is artist Jill Jones with her coastal paintings of Wales. Jill is a contemporary painter whose works capture the raw beauty and dynamic essence of the Welsh coast. You will…

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Jill Jones Welsh Artist

Typical seascape: jill Jones Welsh Artist

Jill Jones, Welsh artist, is renowned for her evocative paintings that capture the beauty and cultural heritage of Wales. Jill specialises in seascapes, landscapes, and traditional buildings. Indeed, her work offers a vivid portrayal of the Welsh environment, imbued with a deep sense of place and history. ‘Beacon’ Artistic Style and Influences Jill Jones’s artistic…

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St Davids Cathedral Christmas Fair

St Davids Cathedral Christmas Fair will take place on Saturday 2nd December between 10am – 4pm. Come and enjoy the atmosphere, music and sparkly Christmas lights whilst browsing amongst our Christmas stalls, all from local crafts and artisans Why visit St Davids Christmas Fair? Visiting a Christmas Fair can be a delightful and festive experience…

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