Life: Full Colour Exhibition. Jill Jones will be exhibiting from May to mid-June at Life: Full Colour art gallery in Caernarfon. The precise dates of the exhibtion are 5th May to 17th June 2023.

First, a little about the gallery itself. Life: Full Colour is an independent gallery in the heart of Caernarfon, North Wales. It was founded by serial entrepreneur Sara McKee in 2020. The gallery’s aim is provide a platform for talented Welsh and international artists to share their work. Fundamentally, its mission is to make art accessible to all.
Life: Full Colour is located in the historic North Wales city of Caernarfon. The distinctive yellow gallery is bringing colour to the historic Hole in the Wall Stree3, which leads to the 13th-century Caernarfon Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition, within the gallery’s immediate vicinity are many fabulous food venues, making for a great day out!
‘The Day We Went to …’
Jill Jones has become a renowned Welsh artist is recent years. She is based in Pembrokeshire and the stunning scenery that surrounds her inspires and informs her work. The title of her upcoming exhibition is the rather whimsical “The Day We Went To …'”.
“The Day We Went To..” reflects happy summer day trips and the magical times making memories on that special day out. Whether an unplanned excursion or a long-awaited trip the evocation remains.
Perhaps it’s catching sight of a dolphin or spotting a fishing boat tucked away in the shade of a boat-shed. Maybe the simple joys of an ice cream on the beach. Jill has conjured seascapes, landscapes, lobster pots and even net-buoys that may feature on happiest days of our lives.
The Life: Full Colour Exhibition is mostly in acrylics, with just one or two in oils, the collection includes tiny pieces you can enjoy in ones, twos or even threes. In addition, you’ll find large statement pieces that bring you in, and which you can literally sit in front of and meditate. Ideal for the more restful rooms in your house.
Jill says, “Using as my inspiration wonderfully warm and fuzzy memories; a cycle or car ride through flower-laden, insect-buzzed, countryside hedgerows or remembering the booming swell of the restless ocean, ‘The Day We Went To…’ exemplifies all our happy joys in the simplest of things, even in the rain!.”

Come and visit us
Just to clarify the dates of the exhibition. “The Day we Went to …” runs from 5th May to 17th June 2023. Your contacts for more information are:
Jill Jones on 01437 781386 /
Sara McKee on 01286 678 211 /
We hope you can come along to visit. You’re sure of a warm, Welsh welcome! Croeso mawr i chi!